Leida C. Tolentino, Ph.D.

Leida C. Tolentino, Ph.D.

Contact Leida


Psychology, teaching PSY 110 - Introduction to Physiological Psychology

About Leida

Leida Tolentino hails from the Cabo Verde Islands, and originates from tight-knit families on both sides. Leida's continually-evolving teaching philosophy centers on building connection with students and awakening them to the beauty, fun, and power of (self-)knowledge. She is helping to create everyday psychology superheroes. Leida is also a spouse, mother, and dancer who views art, in general, as a vehicle for authentic expression, social connection and spiritual elevation.

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Fall 2024 Hours
Monday - Thursday

9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.


9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.

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