Emergency Response
What We Do
Our primary goal is to ensure the protection of life and campus property. We do this by maintaining the colleges Emergency Operations Plan (EOP), providing information, coordinating resources, and arranging training and preparations for a wide variety of emergencies that may occur on or near the Main, Wake, Schott and Cosmetology campuses.
In the event of a major disaster, the Emergency Operation Center (EOC) may be activated. The EOC will be staffed by personnel identified in the EOP at a level dependent upon the emergency. Information to the campus community will be disseminated through various Emergency Notification System methods listed below. The District will coordinate, communicate and the integrate local, state and federal assets necessary to save lives, protect property and public health.
The majority of the emergencies that take place on campus are medical which Campus Safety coordinates with Fire and Ambulance. Santa Barbara Police will respond to all violent incidents including an active shooter on campus. Call 911 first if you have an emergency, provide as much detail as possible. If 911 is called regarding a medical, dangerous or violent emergency it is important to call Campus Safety Emergency, ext 4200 from a campus phone or (805) 730-4200. Campus Safety will help direct emergency responders to the location of the incident.
If you witness suspicious activity or have other concerns while on campus contact Campus Safety immediately dial ext 4200 from a campus phone or call (805) 730-4200.
Emergency Response operates out of the Campus Safety department. The Director of Campus Safety & Emergency Response and the Vice President, Business Services lead the Emergency Response planning team. This team supports the Presidents Policy Group in the event of a major emergency affecting the campus and works on mitigation strategies and recovery efforts from such emergencies.
- Assistant Superintendent/Vice President, Business Services
- Director of Campus Safety & Emergency Response
- Executive Administrative Assistant IIIC, Business Services
- Telecommunications Specialist
- Marketing and Communications Specialist
Team may also include: - Safety Supervisor
- Director Facilities
- Executive Director, Marketing and Communications
- Vice President Information Technologies
- Facilities Supervisor
- Hazardous Materials Consultant
- Risk Manager
- Director Academic Technology Support
Communications Redundancy
- Campus Wide email
- SBCC.edu Website
- Twitter status update @SantaBarbaraCC
- AlertU Text message (cell phone)
- Speaker announcements (hardware in most buildings or hallways)
- Computer alerts (Network computers - must be turned on)
- Phone speakers (Network phones - must have volume up)
- Building Evacuation (In person sweep)
Depending on the Emergency, not all methods of communications will be utilized.
Emergency Response:
Campus Safety Office:
(805) 730-4064
Emergency Phone Line:
(805) 730-4200
Director, Campus Safety and Emergency Response
Erik Fricke
Office: ECC 41
Office Phone: 4264
Office Hours:
8am to 4pm Monday-Friday
Assistant Superintendent / Vice President, Business Services
Chris Renbarger
Office: A121
Office Phone: 3094